Is it time for a World Refrigeration Day?

Refrigeration is an indispensable part of modern life. From keeping our food fresh to making our workplaces comfortable, it affects us every day. 

But many people put little thought into the technology behind that cooling, or the work that goes into maintaining it. That’s why industry bodies have united to propose a World Refrigeration Day on June 26th. 

REFCOM, the Institute of Refrigeration and others believe an annual day to raise awareness of refrigeration will mean people pay more attention to the effect it has on their daily lives. And it could help employees benefit from better working conditions, by making businesses and building owners more aware of the role air conditioning can play in maintaining morale, productivity and wellbeing.

Hidden technology 

Although organisations have long agreed that raising awareness through a worldwide day of appreciation would be beneficial, reaching consensus on a date took some time. June 26th was the third day of the UK’s 2018 summer heatwave, when staff in offices and other indoor workplaces relied on effective air conditioning to stay cool and productive. Similar weather in 2019 could make the timing of World Refrigeration Day particularly appropriate. 

Graeme Fox, head of REFCOM, said it is important to recognise the contribution the sector makes in protecting the food supply chain, improving thermal comfort and in providing renewable heating technology. 

“Refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps impact on almost every aspect of modern society and yet is often the hidden technology that nobody thinks about until something goes wrong,” he said. 

A fascinating history 

Leading industry figure Steve Gill, who has been working towards establishing a worldwide day for more than ten years, said: “Refrigeration has such a long and fascinating history full of inventors, engineering pioneers, scientists, and industrial entrepreneurs from around the world, all of whom deserve to be recognised and remembered for their valuable contribution.” 

Groups from across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, USA, Australia, India and Pakistan have all expressed support and work is now underway to plan events and activities in 2019. 

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