The benefits of servicing your HVAC before the Summer

As the summer draws closer and temperatures are on the rise, the demand on your indoor air conditioning system becomes higher, in order to keep your working conditions at their optimal level for you, your employees and your business.

However, before your system sees these higher levels of use, we’d recommend scheduling a service and maintenance visit to ensure that it works at its best. As well as improved reliability, there are numerous other benefits to  getting your system looked at ahead of the warmer summer weather...

Benefit 1: Improved Indoor Air Quality

The heart and soul of your business is your workforce, and you want to ensure that you’re creating the best possible working environment, especially once the warmer weather arrives. A survey found that 71% of office workers say they are less productive when working in an office that is too warm so ensuring your system is working correctly is key.

Taking the time to ensure that your system is serviced ahead of the summer season results in your workplace benefiting from better indoor air quality throughout your space. This in turn creates a knock on effect to your employees, and your business. Research has found that with increased indoor air quality, employee productivity levels increase by up to 8%, and there is a 30% decrease in symptoms of ‘sick building syndrome’. With the health and well-being of your staff being key to high performance, can you afford to not ensure you’re providing the best conditions?

Benefit 2: Increased energy efficiency

When your HVAC system runs continuously for a significant amount of time, it can cause the overall energy efficiency of your building to decrease.

By taking on  a servicing and maintenance contract to look after your system - particularly ahead of the warmer summer months - your specialist HVAC system will have the capacity to run more efficiently, resulting in lower costs for your business in the long run.

Benefit 3: Preventing problems before they occur

Installing a bespoke, specialist HVAC system in your workplace can be a costly investment, so you’ll want to ensure you prevent problems before they arises.

Scheduling a servicing and maintenance visit ahead of the season helps  avoid problems such as clogged filters, coolant issues or even total system breakdowns that could disrupt your working environment.

Benefit 4: Extending the lifespan of your system

Being a large investment to companies of all sizes, and being imperative to the efficiency and performance of your employees, it makes sense to take care of it and ensure that it’s running to its best ability.  

The average air conditioning or heating system has an expected lifespan of around 15 years, however, with a regular servicing and maintenance schedule, your system is more likely to survive long past its lifespan.

If you’d like to learn more about servicing your HVAC system ahead of the summer season, or learn more about how regular servicing and maintenance visits to your workplace would benefit you, get in touch and talk to a member of our expert team today.  

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