Indoor Air Quality

Every breath we take - whether in our homes, offices, public spaces, or other settings - should be nurturing and energising. Achieving the goal of clean indoor air requires professionals and consumers to get involved not just in the conversation but also in the implementation of new approaches.

 Borders do not bind air, and often, the quality of the air we breathe is not within our control. Biological or non-biological pollution sources all impact the quality of air that we breathe. Although indoor environments are one place where air can be controlled, it can often be more polluted than the air outdoors. Only through the informed design of space, walls, ceilings, and floor layouts for air flow, selection of building materials, efficient ventilation, and air purification methods can we create spaces that are healthy for all people.

Air Contamination

Typically, air contamination can be divided into three distinct areas

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There is a vast amount of advice surrounding COVID-19 and what building owner/managers and occupiers should be doing to mitigate the risk of infection.  At 361 Degrees we have taken some considerable time to research the whole subject, and working mainly in conjunction with the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), who is the standard setter and authority on building services engineering in the UK, we have developed an understanding that allows us to guide our customers to formulate a safe plan.

The virus COVID-19 with a particle size of just 0.125 micron (125 nanometres) caused a global pandemic which affected all our lives.  It stretched the world Health Care services to the limit, and beyond and the impact to the world economy and financial consequence will probably never be fully measured.

What can be done to help?

For the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning engineer there are four main areas we can help

         Improved ventilation

o   Adequate ventilation rates

o   Filtration

o   Heat recovery ventilation

         Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation

o   In Air Handling Units (AHU’s)

o   In ductwork

o   In split Air Conditioning units

o   In Fan coil units

         Air conditioning / fan coil sanitisation

         Air purifiers

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